
Monday, February 24, 2014

Been a year... Moving on.

Okay so I fail at being a blogger... It has been almost one year since my last post. I think I am going to treat this more as a personal blog from now on because so much has changed over the last year. I'm not going to go through the past year, just know that it definitely wasn't the best. Okay let's be real 2013 sucked. I am picking up from now.
We (Charlie and I) got back from New Orleans/Baton Rouge yesterday night. We are super exhausted.. It was an OK weekend. Far too expensive and inconvenient for what it was. The French Quarter is beautiful- I love the architecture but the smell.... smells like pee and thrown up Vegas bombs. Gross. Not so sure we will be back anytime soon. This weekend though did show me how up-tight/high strung I am. I AM A PLANNER. I need an itinerary when on a trip. Walking around randomly all day really stresses me out. There's so much to see and do in such a small amount of time I feel like its a waste of time and money going with the flow. WAH! :( Moving on... it's TRYOUT season. Tryout season means two things for me: emotional rollercoster usually resulting in the form of acne and $. It is a very stressful time of year for everyone involved. Moms want only the best for their child & for their child to be successful (don't worry mama's I feel the same way) ... the cheerleaders either obsess or don't work hard enough... and I want all of my girls to make it and kick butt but an hour/week with me isn't enough. SO if they don't do the "homework" I give them it just creates extra stress for everyone. Warning...Coach Katie Rant: Ahhhhhhhhh... just do what I tell you! I promise I know what I am doing!!!!! Jesussssssss. This season, I took special care to eliminate the drama queens and I am very happy with the group of athletes I work with. They are all very talented and dedicated cheerleaders. I am super excited for them to work it out at tryouts and I expect all to make their squads this season. School: School is stressful as well. As of yesterday two of our genetics lab group members quit. That took us from a 5 member group to a 3 member group. :/ That is a ton of work for 3 people to do... FML. But it is what it is and we just have to push through! MAY is on its way. Spring break is in 2 weeks... I'm not doing anything fun but studying ! Yay college. GOAL FOR THIS WEEK: Turn in an excellent genetics paper Get all calc related things done Coach my athletes to be their best Go to church BE HAPPY/CONTENT and keep my Charlie happy. {Will be making KING CAKE AND BANANA BREAD THIS WEEK... IF MY RECIPES TURN OUT LOOK FORWARD TO THOSE POSTS...} In the meantime Stay beautiful on the inside, be fierce on the outside. -K

Monday, January 7, 2013

Healthy Dinner: Lasagna Soup

This lasagna soup recipe is delicious, filling, and on the healthy side. Charlie even asked me to save it for leftovers(Charlie NEVER eats left overs), so I think that confirms a good recipe. As always feel free to try your own variations based on your tastes and what you like. Please post your comments!
Healthy Lasagna Soup
  • 1 lb of lean ground turkey
  • Campanelle pasta
  • 3-4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 cup chopped onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 regular sized can of petite diced tomatoes  
  • 4 cups reduced sodium Swanson chicken broth
  • 2 cups tomato sauce
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 3/4 cup low fat skim ricotta cheese
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 3 tbs Italian herbs
    • Place olive oil in a LARGE skillet and heat to appropriate temperature then saute the onions
    • Next add turkey to the skillet after onions have been sauteed.
    • Brown the ground turkey and season with listed ingredients according to taste
    • Add chicken broth, bring to boil, add campanelle pasta
    • Reduce heat and cover for 10-13 minutes to cook the pasta. Stir occasionally.
    • Once pasta is done to your liking add diced tomatoes and tomato sauce. Stir.
    • Cover and simmer for 5 minutes stirring occasionally.
    • Taste at this point and make sure you like the flavors.  Adjust accordingly. 
    • Lower heat and add Greek yogurt and ricotta cheese. Stir to incorporate.
    • Turn off heat and serve. Top with Mozzarella or Parmesan.  If you would like you can even add a dollop of ricotta cheese to your bowl.   

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Charlie's favorite: Cream sauce, pasta, chicken and sausage

Happy wife, happy life... happy hubby, more diamonds...
Well, I can dream right?
This recipe is one of Charlie's favorites and most requested meals that I make. I call it Charlie's cream sauce because I have NEVER been a fan of Alfredo or cream sauces.
 When I make this for him I usually have a turkey sandwich.

Heavy cream
Parmesan/Romano cheese
Chicken/Turkey Sausage
Red pepper

Start boiling the water for the pasta and cook pasta after water boils according to package directions
In a skillet cook the chicken and chicken sausage through and brown. Season to taste.
Red pepper adds a nice kick and flavor.  Feel free to leave it out if you don't like spice. 
Lower the heat.  Don't burn your butter!
Add TBS of butter to the cooked chicken and chicken sausage

After butter melts completely add 1 cup of heavy cream to the skillet

After you pour the heavy cream into the skillet, let it simmer for 3 minutes.  After it simmers (simmers, not boils) add 3/4 cup of Parmesan cheese. 
If you haven't added garlic yet do it now. I use 1-1/2 tsp of minced garlic. 

Melt cheese and stir thoroughly

Tada! Cream sauce lovers enjoy!


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2 Ingredients= Pumpkin Muffins

....But in this case, make it a muffin. A pumpkin muffin!!!!!
  Here is the recipe for the EASIEST pumpkin muffins you'll ever make.  Hope y'all like them...Enjoy!

Easy Pumpkin Muffins

Boxed cake mix
15 oz can of pumpkin
Optional: spices for cake (cinnamon, ginger, ect...)

That's right... no eggs, no oil, no water!!
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Mix ingredients together.

Batter looks like this....

Line your muffin tin...

Make sure you scoop the same amount of muffin batter...

Bake for 35-45 mins at 350 degrees

Done! Mmmmm.....

Powdered sugar, cupcake topper, viola!
Delicious moist pumpkin muffins, perfect for breakfast or with a cup of coffee.

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